Style Guide

Grade Level Appropriateness

Write at an accessible level that most people can read. Short sentences and simple, clear, direct language ensures we reach as broad an audience as possible. This generally means keeping your writing at the 6th-8th grade level. Use Microsoft Word to verify the Flesch-Kincaid grade level difficulty of the text.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

For the most part, industry-specific abbreviations and acronyms don’t need to be spelled out. For instance:

  • Good: DIY, DIY’er, DIY’ers
  • Bad: Do-it-yourself, D.I.Y.

Something like "DIY" is common in the industry and doesn’t need to be explained. Avoid periods between letters, except to end a sentence. Acronyms specific to BendPak or the materials we use should be spelled out the first time and abbreviated in parentheses, with all subsequent uses abbreviated.

Images and Copyright Protection

Images obtained from Google should be free use. While some images found on forums and other public spaces are considered free-to-use for noncommercial purposes, we are a for-profit company, so the line can get kind of blurry. When in doubt about the legal availability of an image, drop it and find another.

Referring to Registered Trademarks

The easiest thing to do is place a "™" in the first instance per article of referring to another company’s name or registered trademark. Typing "(tm)" in Microsoft Word will automatically generate the ™ symbol. It is especially important to do this if you make any reference to our competitors.

  • BendPak™
  • Ranger™
  • McDonald’s™

Numeral vs. Spelled Out

When describing a product, use the spelled-out form rather than the numerical. When referring to a specific lift model or series, use the numerical form.

  • Correct spelled out: BendPak manufactures both two and four-post lifts.
  • Correct numeral: They want to order the 4-Post Heavy Truck Lift.

Generally, numbers 1-9 should be spelled out, while 10+ is numeral. When discussing actual measurements and ranges, numerals are acceptable.

  • Correct measurement: The QuickJack is 3-1/2" high when collapsed.
  • Correct range: QuickJack collapses to a height of 3” – 3.5”
  • Note: Decimals are acceptable when describing a value range. Use a space between the hyphen when typing a range in Microsoft Word, and the hyphen will elongate slightly.

  • Employ commas for numbers over 999. (1,000; 10,000; 100,000, etc.)

Features and Specifications

Use slashes with a space on either side to differentiate between Imperial and Metric notation in features and specifications (Imperial / Metric).

  • Correct: 17 lbs. / 8 kg
  • Correct: 4-1/2” / 114 mm
  • Correct: 89° F / 32° C

Use a lowercase "x" to denote the word "by" in dimension specs. The order is as follows: length, width, height.

  • Correct: 52” x 24” x 14” / 1,321 mm x 610 mm x 356 mm

Important Points

  • No period at the end of features/specs unless it ends in an abbreviation, such as etc. or lbs.
  • Use the % sign instead of writing the word "percent."
  • Do not use any unit of measurement above an inch to describe length in English notation, except to describe hoses, rooms and other large products / facilities.
  • Do not capitalize the first letter of each word in features and specifications.

Metric vs. imperial abbreviations









Ph (phase)

pc. or pcs.






sq. ft.

15 kg

10 mm



8′ 9″

  • Use Imperial notation inside product descriptions or names unless otherwise specified.
  • BendPak describes weights and measurements in both imperial and metric forms. Imperial abbreviations have a period after them, while metric abbreviations do not have a period.

Representing weight

  • The car weighs 4,000 lbs.
  • It’s a 4,000-lb. car!

Representing product specifications

  • Overall width: 154″ (3,912 mm)
  • Weight: 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
  • Outside edge of runways: 82" - 100" (2,083 mm - 2,540 mm)